Little Brother by Alan Baillie
Little brother is a book full of inspiration and hope. This story starts off with Vithy, who is separated from his elder brother whilst attempting to flee the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.
They run away, trying to escape from the soldiers. They manage to get away, but not for long. Mang has advice for getting away: "Follow the lines... to the border". Suddenly they are separated as they run for their life and Vithy is left alone in the forest.
Vithy searches for food that night and starts travelling to Cambodia's border. As he is travelling he meets a boy called Ang. They form and friendship and go on an adventure to find Vithy's older brother.
This book is a well-written story and is suitable for 13 years and up. Little brother creates lots of suspense and I found it quite interestingly. I mainly enjoyed the perspective of the characters. I thought that the main character Vithy was really inspirational. My favourite part was when Vithy saved Sorei a young girl in the forest.
Louciana 7S
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